
Receta guacamole
This song-based activity focuses on teaching high-frequency structures such as "Voy a...", "Voy a hacer...", "Tengo hambre", "Es hora de...", "Me gusta", "Corta", and more. It offers an interactive learning experience where teachers can make guacamole with students while pausing the song at times to ask questions. Questions can be about the song's content or personalized, like asking if students like guacamole or if they want to make it in class. The goal is to enhance language by helping students make connections to the language.
Use this song to teach high frequency structures like "Voy a..." "Voy a hacer..." "Tengo hambre" "Es hora de..." "Me gusta" "Corta" Etc... Bring the recipe ingredients to class and make guacamole with your students! Make sure to pause the song at certain parts and ask students questions like ¿Adónde va? ¿Qué va a hacer? ¿Tiene hambre o tiene sed? ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes para hacer guacamole? Take the opportunity to ask personalized questions like ¿Te gusta el guacamole ? ¿Sabes hacer guacamole? ¿Quieres hacer guacamole en clase? Etc.