
Sentimientos 1
With this interactive short story your students will practice Spanish high frequency structures like "tiene calor", "está cansado", "no tiene..." etc... We recommend that you work on the printable version of the story with your students before having them do the interactive version by themselves. There are comprehension and sequencing activities at the end of the story where students will be able to practice structures like "está cansado", "tiene sed", "tiene hambre" etc...
With this interactive short story your students will practice Spanish high frequency structures like "tiene calor", "está cansado", "no tiene..." etc... We recommend that you work on the printable version of the story with your students before having them do the interactive version by themselves. There are comprehension and sequencing activities at the end of the story where students will be able to practice structures like "está cansado", "tiene sed", "tiene hambre" etc... Below you can check out some sample images from the story.
Below you can see samples of the sequencing and comprehension activities students will have to complete after listening to the story.